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How To Store Drinking Water The Best Way

By Jeff Wise Published: March 10, 2020 Updated: December 23, 2024

How To Store Drinking Water

People who want to be prepared for uncertain times really need to know how to store drinking water.

On the radio I heard a top blogger on preparedness topics give a top five list for how to be prepared in emergency situations. Water was number three on the list, so that shows you how important water storage is.

You see, when a natural disaster, man-made disaster, or any uncertain event occurs, there are many instances when the power goes out and running water quits working.

As the survivalist explained this, it really opened my eyes.

You see, when a situation like this happens, you are either prepared with water storage at your house or you will have to go retrieve it from natural sources.

Of course, another option is grabbing bottled water from the store, but if there's a natural disaster, that may not be possible.

Plus, that's what everyone else will be planning to do as well.

Either way, you'll need to filter water without electricity and that's where the Berkey comes into play. But what I really want to talk about though is how we store water in advance.

Tips on How To Store Drinking Water

1. I wrote a post about a 55 gallon water barrel. This is recommended by top preppers as the best option.

Some folks even bought used plastic 55 gallon drums that had been used for soft drink syrup and cleaned them out.

Some wonder how to keep these in your garage?

After all, many of us live in the suburbs and not in the country. Having three huge blue barrels, for example, in your garage takes up a lot of space and can become a nuisance.

To make up for the space, you could build shelving around them so that you still have space to store items above the barrels.

Or, if you don't want the barrels to be seen, you could cover them with a tarp.

These suggestions may not solve the problem entirely, but ultimately the goal is to be prepared for an emergency. When the situation arises, you'll no longer care about those barrels being an annoying eyesore.

2. Preppers recommend two gallons of water per day per person.

3. When you store water, treat it with iodine or Clorox or boil. You should rotate the water in and out every six months.

4. With a pending emergency situation, you can fill bathtubs and swimming pools with water.

5. Remember that the water isn't just for drinking, but also for cooking, hygiene and waste.

Emergency Water Storage Containers

Water storage is probably the least expensive item to prepare for in prepping.

There are several options and instead of writing a long description for each I want to actually show you pictures of them and the opportunity to click on it and read more about it.

A waterBOB is great if you don’t have the storage space. But if you have the room in your garage, it’s a good idea to fit a few water barrels in there.

I've seen someone who basically stacked two on top of two others for a total of four. I think that would be plenty of water for emergency preparedness.

Look over the options above to see which one is right for you.

We know we need to be ready for anything and water is the number one option before everything else, including food. Do you have any experience with this topic?

Have you found something that works better for you than other solutions? Please leave your thoughts below.

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