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4 Core Beliefs of Berkey Clean Water

4 Core Beliefs of Berkey Clean Water

Research has been a passion of mine throughout my adult years. Before I make any important purchase, I usually insist on doing thorough research to find the best brand or product.

I started my water filter research in 2005, soon after we were married. Before that, I had been using a cheap water filter that sits in your refrigerator.

At the time, I thought that was the best option. Until I looked into it further.

I couldn't believe I had overlooked the fact that the particular system I was using filtered out very few contaminants.

I Wanted Better For My Wife And Our Future Children

So, I started my research journey and found Berkey!

I was a little unsure at first. Yeah, Berkey claimed that the filters removed two hundred toxins.

And it was supposed to have great tasting water. But the more I read about it and looked over the claims, I was excited to make a purchase!

My wife, on the other hand, wasn’t as gung-ho. All she saw at first was the price tag and she wasn’t super excited about it.

But I convinced her to give it a try. After all, the Berkey filters lasted so much longer than the cheap filters we had already been using.

It’s now been more than 15 years, and we’ve never once regretted our decision!

We love our Berkey and our water!

Because of that, we strongly believe in the Berkey brand.

The 4 Core Berkey Clean Water Beliefs

  1. At BerkeyCleanWater, we believe Berkey systems are the highest quality, most powerful, and most rigorously tested gravity-fed water filtration products available anywhere.
  2. At BerkeyCleanWater, we believe Berkey systems have become a necessary layer of protection for millions of families as concerns increase over the deterioration of America’s water infrastructure.
  3. At BerkeyCleanWater, we believe Berkey systems are an essential tool for healthy living and emergency preparedness.
  4. At BerkeyCleanWater, we believe that the majority of American families desire a cleaner, healthier life and want the comfort in knowing that the product they purchase can be trusted.

At BerkeyCleanWater, we value helping families in their search for clean water and we understand that this commodity is a universal need.

Through your own research, we hope you decide to give Berkey a chance. We believe it's a decision you won't regret.