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What to Eat When the Power Goes Out

By Jeff Wise Published: September 14, 2023 Updated: March 20, 2024

September is National Preparedness Month but one way to prepare all year long is to have a plan for what to eat when power goes out.

There are power outages for many different reasons, and you never know when it's going to happen to you.

In many of these cases, you can't pick up and leave your house for a meal at a restaurant.

Instead, have the proper food on hand for an emergency meal.

What to Eat When the Power Goes Out

Power Outage Meal Ideas

Scour the internet, and you'll find a plethora of ideas for meals to make during a power outage.

For example, check out this site for some recipes. Here is another web page that will give you some ideas.

Once you've found a few recipes you like, write them down. Keep the list in your emergency bag or in a safe place that you'll remember later.

Be sure to always have stock of those ingredients.

Any recipe with canned corn, beans, salsa, etc. are easy to keep stored away in times like this.

Eating During a Power Outage

In addition to meals during a power outage, it's smart to be mindful of foods that keep well during a power outage.

Your refrigerator won't be able to keep perishables good for long.

As long as you keep the fridge door closed as much as possible, the refrigerator will stay cool for about 4 hours.

The closed freezer can stay cold for up to 48 hours.

If there's a power outage that lasts several days, you'll need plenty of food that doesn't have to stay cold.

It's recommended that you eat the perishable items first while they’re still cold. This would include items like yogurt, cheese, and leftovers.

Other items will last much longer, though.

These items include bread, jelly, avocados, apples, oranges, and cucumbers.

Save these foods for later, especially if you're not sure how long the power will be out.

Preparing for Meals During a Power Outage

There are many meals you can make without electricity. You just have to have the knowledge and be prepared in advance.

Here's another good site to read for recipes and helpful tips during a power outage.

September is National Preparedness Month, so this is the perfect time to start planning and preparing for the unexpected situations like a power outage.

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